Photos of sightseeing enthusiasts


Słowacja - trasa wycieczki


When I was visiting the castle in Stara Lubovna, the guide did not even mention that this place belonged to Poland for almost 360 years on the basis of the so-called The Spiš pledge. In 1412, an alliance was concluded between the Hungarian and German king Sigismund of Luxemburg, and the Polish king Władysław Jagiełło. In the Treaty of Lubowel, the parties also agreed on the terms of a loan for a Luxembourger who needed money for a dispute over Dalmatia with the Republic of Venice. The amount borrowed was 37,000 kopecks of Praga grosze, that is approximately 7.5 tonnes of pure silver. The pledge of the Spiš towns was a security for the repayment of the loan, which was to be returned in the same amount and in the same place where it was paid, i.e. at the Hungarian castle in Niedzica at that time. The pledge included: Lubowla with the castle, Podoliniec and Nests as well as 13 Spiš towns with their territories. From the pledged territories, the Spiš starosty with its seat in the Lubowlański Castle was created, which, however, was not territorially compact and consisted of 5 enclaves. As Hungary did not repay the loan, by the verdict of the papal court of 1489, the cities of Spiš remained with Poland until 1769, when Austrian troops entered the area.

Kopia dokumentu zastawnego wystawionego przez Zygmunta Luksemburskiego 8 grudnia 1412 r.


The territory of today's Slovakia was included in the Kingdom of Hungary from the 11th century as the so-called Upper Hungary. As we know, relations with our southern neighbor, and thus also with Slovakia, were very friendly for many years, which was even reflected in the popular saying "Pole, Hungarian, two nephews". The situation changed during the existence of the Czechoslovak state, when Slovakia took part in the attack on Poland in 1939 as an ally of the Third Reich. On September 1, 1939, Prime Minister Father Josef Tiso ordered his troops to attack Poland without declaring war, which was motivated by the alleged threat to Slovakia by the Polish army. The Slovak army under the command of Ferdinand Čatloš attacked Poland with the force of three divisions in the directions of Podhale, Nowosądecki and Bieszczady. After the collapse of our country, Slovakia was awarded a dozen or so villages in Spisz and Orava. The Slovak army also took part in the German aggression against the Soviet Union in June 1941. When the Third Reich began to lose the war, a Slovak national uprising broke out in August 1944, but by the end of October it was suppressed by German troops.

żołnierze słowaccy dekorowani przez Ferdynanda Čatloša po kampanii wrześniowej w Polsce

Slovakia - Tatra and Ore Mountains

August 2003

Studzienny Potok

A few-day trip to Slovakia was our next joint holiday adventure after leaving for the Czech Republic. We chose to travel by car to be independent of public transport and not waste time unnecessarily.

Since during the previous trip we visited the monuments, this time we focused on the beauty of the nature of the High Tatras and the Slovak Ore Mountains. The choice turned out to be successful in all respects and these few days of active rest should certainly be considered successful. At the end of the trip, we also added a cherry to the cake, visiting the beautiful Dobszyńska Ice Cave. Only the weather was bad, but luckily it wasn't raining.

Veľká Studená Valley

Wodospady Zimnej Wody pamiątkowa fotka potęga żywiołu Wodospady Zimnej Wody Droga przez las widok z rozdroża nad schroniskiem Rainera Dolina Staroleśna wspinaczka a kuku Malownicze widoki Wyżni Harnaski Staw Aparatura meteorologiczna koło schroniska Zbójnickiego

Veľká Studená Valley is one of the largest Tatra valleys in the Slovak High Tatras. The trail leading through the valley is quite long and tedious at times, but the hardship is fully rewarded with picturesque views. Due to time constraints, we finished our trip in the Robber's Cottage shelter. After taking some photos and replenished energy, we went back.

Slovak Paradise

panorama okolicy Tomaszowski Widok wiekowe jodły Te drzewa najlepsze lata mają już za sobą nurt Hornadu Niebezpieczna trasa chyba czas odpocząć Wartki nurt Hornadu wodospad Strakov zdobywca Fantazyjnie poskręcane korzenie Mozolna wspinaczka Ostatni stopień Coś tu się porusza Te podpórki chyba wiele nie pomogą starodrzew strumyk perłowiec malinowiec łąka zalew Palcmanská Maša

Slovak Paradise is considered to be one of the most picturesque places beyond our southern border and there is no exaggeration in it. Trekking along charming ravines with steep walls using metal platforms, chains and ladders provided us with a lot of adrenaline. However, the greatest impression on us was made by the rock gallery suspended at a height of 666 m, with the not very catchy name of Tomasovsky View.

Dobšiná Ice Cave

zabudowania wsi Stratena bocianie gniazdo Pamiątkowa fotka kapliczka Chwila relaksu nowy gatunek nietoperza Dobszyńska Jaskinia Lodowa Trasa dla turystów formy lodowe tunel wydrążony w lodzie

Dobšiná Ice Cave, due to its beauty and unique geological values, was entered on the Unesco World Heritage List. Ice has been preserved here for thousands of years thanks to the special shape of the interior, the level of which falls on the side of the entrance. The views inside the cave are amazing, although not reflected in the photos which, to put it mildly, turned out very poorly.

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