Photos of sightseeing enthusiasts


Kreta - trasa wycieczki


The Greek island of Santorini, known in antiquity as Thira, has a very interesting history. It is located in the Aegean Sea, about 110 km north of the coast of Crete, and is part of the Cyclades archipelago. One island that existed before around 1600 BC was flooded as a result of a strong volcanic eruption, creating one of the world's largest calderas with a diameter of 10 km. In antiquity, the Minoan civilization developed here, the majority of which left the island just before the volcanic eruption, after the great earthquake. It is believed that the outbreak and the resulting tsunami also contributed to the significant destruction of the island of Crete and the beginning of the decline of the Minoan culture. One of the hypotheses equates the destruction of the island with the destruction of the mythical Atlantis described by Plato.

mityczna Atlantyda (źródło:lukaszkulak92.wordpress.com)


The Minotaur is a character from Greek mythology usually depicted as a man with a bull's head. He was born from the union of Pazyfae, the wife of Minos and a bull sent by Poseidon. The menacing Minotaur was locked up by King Minos of Crete in a Labyrinth designed by Daedalus, which was located under the Palace of Knossos. Minos defeated the Athenians and demanded that every year, 7 youths and virgins be sent as a sacrifice to the Minotaur. Prince Theseus, who was supposed to kill the monster, volunteered for the third victim. He was helped by Minos' daughter, Ariadne, who was fascinated by the courage of the young man, which, using a ball of thread, made it easier for him to return from the Labyrinth, and the magic sword allowed him to kill the Minotaur.

Tezeusz zabijający Minotaura - grecka amfora

Greece - Crete and Santorini

July 2005

Fresk z pałacu w Knossos

Holidays in Crete were our first trip to the Greek islands together. The choice of Crete was not accidental, as we really wanted to visit Santorini. During the one-day trip, we visited the towns of Thira and Oia, and the island enchanted us.

As a place of rest, we chose the town of Kavros on the northern coast of Crete, famous for its beautiful, wide sandy beaches. We came across a small family hotel, which, with a few shortcomings, turned out to be a big plus. The host was a very hospitable man, devoting much more attention to his guests than his duties required. The local bar was also visited by the locals after work, with whom we perfectly integrated over glasses of ouzo or a cold beer. During our stay, we met a young couple from Krakow with whom we visited western Crete in a rented car.

Coast of the Cretan Sea

widok z naszego balkonu Poranna kawa Plaża w Kavros słodkie lenistwo Dzisiaj się nie popływa Gaj oliwny O tej porze w Georgioupolis kafejki świecą pustkami Oryginalna kapliczka tawerna w Georgioupolis przygotowania do połowu port w Georgioupolis kościółek rybaków stojak na świece w intencji pomyślnego połowu dzwonnica wybrzeże w Georgioupolis Malownicze wybrzeże Turecka twierdza Izzedin pozostałości umocnień turecki fort Izzedin widok na zatokę Souda ruiny rzymskiego miasta Aptera widok na okoliczne wzgórza cccysterny na wodę pozostałości zabudowań Zatoka portowa w Chanii dorożki niczym w Krakowie meczet janczarów malownicze kamieniczki fontanna przy placu Sintrivani Katedra Trzech Męczenników warto zajrzeć do środka przyjemny chłód sprzyja zwiedzaniu Marina wenecki port w Rethymnonie Twierdza wenecka z XVI-XVII w. meczet Sułtana Ibrahima, przerobiony z katedry św. Mikołaja mury obronne nawet dzisiaj wyglądają imponująco panorama okolicy z murów twierdzy malowniczy zaułek przed fontanną Rimondi wenecka forteca Rocca al Mare w Heraklionie bizantyjski kościół Agios Titos fontanna Morosini fasada monastyru Arsani Monastyr Arkadi Główna brama klasztorna ogród kwiatowy w zabudowaniach klasztoru Absyda kościoła św.św. Konstantyna i Heleny wioska garncarzy Margarites kreteńskie klimaty

The coast of the Cretan Sea is endlessly wide, sandy beaches where most of the tourists visiting the island rest. Contrary to appearances, there is enough space for everyone and we have never felt a lack of space. Most of the large cities and villages of Crete are also located here, and we like Chania the most. The picturesque houses in pastel colors with red tiles surrounding the waterfront make it one of the most beautiful cities on the island.

Knossos and Phaistos

wielki propylon fresk przedstawiający scenę z życia dworskiego magazyn zasobników pitos Pomieszczenia mieszkalne Pozostałości labiryntu fresk przedstawiający delfiny w pałacu królowej fragment pałacu minojskiego Pamiątkowa fotka przed wejściem północnym budynek z freskiem przedstawiąjacym szarżującego byka Rogi Minotaura dwumetrowe gliniane pitos drzewa oliwne ruiny pałacu w Fajstos Pamiątkowa fotka Pitos, olbrzymie naczynia do przechowywania żywności chwila wytchnienia kapitel koryncki pozostałości antycznej Gortyny odeon ruiny bazyliki św. Tytusa Panorama okolicy

Knossos is a showcase of Crete. The vast ruins of the Minoan palace complex are truly impressive. However, the crowds of tourists swirling around took away the pleasure of sightseeing. We liked Phaistos much more, where the remains of the Minoan palaces are not much inferior to those from Konossos, and the tour itself was much more comfortable. In the price of the ticket we also got for free, beautiful views of the picturesque hills stretching around.

Libyan Sea coast

Fotoreprter Wybrzeże w okolicach Falasarny Na plaży Parasole monastyr Chrysoskalitissa dla takiego widoku warto było się wspinać Tutaj grzeszników nie wpuszczają W wiosce wyspy Elafonisi Pamiątkowa fotka pomnik ofiar widok na Matalę Skalne klify Takie fale robią wrażenie tylko dla odważnych groty w ścianie klifu groty w ścianie klifu skalne grobowce z II wieku p.n.e. skalne grobowce z II wieku p.n.e. wspinaczka na szczyt klifu

The coast of the Libyan Sea is characterized by high cliffs, rocky coves and picturesque beaches, where there is no such crowd of tourists as in the north. We were most enchanted by the beautiful beaches of Elafonisi with pink sand, crystal clear water and small coves. The shallow water made it easy for us to go to the nearest island, continuing the lounging. If it wasn't for the long drive back to Kavros, we would love to linger here until sunset.


Thira - pierwsze fotki taras nad przepaścią gęsta zabudowa Thiry Kościół Ipapanti w samo południe widok z podwórka pamiątkowa fotka panorama Firy stary port ta łódź już nie popłynie jeszcze tylko kilka stopni każda tawerna kusi na swój sposób Chwila wytchnienia Opalanie czy pływanie, oto jest pytanie plaża Kamari panorama miasteczka Oia gęsta zabudowa miasteczka Oia Najlepszy na wyspie środek transportu wiatrak stary port kopuła cerkiewki kolorowe domki dzwonnica Pamiątkowa fotka dzwonnica Impresja Luksus w skali mikro Pamiątkowa fotka Domy zajmują każde wolne miejsce dzwonnica Folderowa fotka Pozostałości kaldery łodzie rybackie na redzie czas wracać na Kretę

Santorini is simply phenomenal and it is difficult to find a more beautiful place not only in Greece, but even in all of Europe. Bare cliffs, made of layers of red, white and greenish rocks, surrounding a huge caldera filled with the sea, make an amazing impression. The white houses in Fira or Oia are perched around steep slopes, and every step you will meet beautiful churches, covered with blue domes. If it weren't for the crowds of tourists, the island would be the best place to get potatoes.

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