Photos of sightseeing enthusiasts


Holandia - trasa wycieczki


The first Dutch settlers came to Prussia in the 13th century. They were brought to drain the swamps by the Teutonic Knights who were conquering these lands. The settlers from the Netherlands founded the town of Pasłęk, which was originally called Holland. The reasons for the second wave of emigration in the 16th and 17th centuries were religious persecution, wars, plagues and the collapse of the economy in the Netherlands. Settlers from the Netherlands, most often of the Mennonite denomination, founded villages in Royal Prussia, along the Vistula and its tributaries, and in Kujawy, Mazovia and Greater Poland. They had the ability to meliorate and represented high agricultural culture. Commonly called Olęders, they were the wealthiest group of peasants at that time. The Hollander settlers were free people, they kept their own religion and beliefs. Irma Berner née Martens, mother of the great Polish singer Anna German, came from the Mennonite Hollanders.

Anna German z matką


Units of the Polish Armed Forces in the West took part in the fights for the liberation of the Netherlands during World War II. The 1st Independent Parachute Brigade of General Stanisław Sosabowski fought at Arnhem, while the 1st Armored Division commanded by General Stanisław Maczek liberated Axel, Breda and Hulst. For participation in the liberation of the Netherlands, Queen Beatrix awarded in 2006 in The Hague the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade with the highest military award of the Netherlands - the Order of Willem. The General Maczek Museum is located in Breda, however, due to organizational reasons, the exhibition rooms are temporarily closed.

1 Polska Dywizja Pancerna w Holandii w 1944 r.


The Netherlands used to be a sea power, but few people know that Krzysztof Arciszewski, a Pole, had a large share in the colonization of Brazil in the first half of the 17th century. Exiled from the country for the murder of a nobleman, he went to the Netherlands, where he was educated in the field of artillery. For several years he took part in the Thirty Years' War, fighting on different sides of the conflict. Then he joined the West India Company and took part in the expedition of the Dutch to Brazil against the Spaniards and the Portuguese. He was famous for his courage and bravery in battle, thanks to which he was quickly promoted to the rank of general. As a reward for conquering several fortresses, he was appointed vice-governor of Dutch Brazil. However, due to a conflict with his superior, he returned to the Netherlands, and then to the Commonwealth.

Krzysztof Arciszewski

Netherlands - Amsterdam

April 2002

Kamieniczki w Amsterdamie

I found myself in the Netherlands in a rather unusual way. I won the competition in my previous job, and the trip was one of the elements of the prize. However, not everything went according to plan and in the end the company only provided me with a return flight ticket, and I paid for the expenses related to the stay and sightseeing out of my own pocket.

Since this was my first solo trip west, I was scared. That's probably why I decided to visit Amsterdam only. Today, in retrospect, I regret a bit, but I can always come back to the land of tulips. I watched everything with an open mouth, and riding a bicycle in such a state posed the danger of swallowing the midges. During my stay in Amsterdam, I had the opportunity to meet the famous Coffee Shops. As a novice in these matters, I reacted with such cheerfulness that I was almost a hair late for my return flight to Poland.


budynek Centraal Station z końca XIX w. rowery są tutaj wszędzie plac Dam tympanon Pałacu Królewskiego Pod pomnikiem zawsze dzieje się coś interesującego przed budynkiem słynnego Rijksmuseum ozdoby fasady Rijksmuseum Voorburgwal jedna z głównych ulic starego miasta detal architektoniczny czas wyruszyć na podbój miasta Waag średniowieczna brama miejska stylowe kamieniczki bazylika św. Mikołaja Begijnhof uliczne kawiarenki są wszędzie neogotycki Vondelkerk słynny Flower Market tradycyjny sposób transportu piwa Browar Heineken kadzie ważelne najprzyjemniejsza część zwiedzania po paru piwkach można spróbować swoich zdolności muzycznych Amsterdam nocą coffee shop Grasshopper Pałac Królewski Dzielnica Czerwonych Latarnii

There are few spectacular structures in Amsterdam that can be found in Paris, London or Berlin. This is probably why the city's showpiece are intricately decorated gables, crowning the facades of many coastal houses. However, what distinguishes the city are bikes that can be found here at every turn. This is the best way to get around the crowded streets and explore, which I found out for myself. However, riding among hundreds of bikes rushing in all directions is a real challenge.


tramwaj wodny wypływa w rejs most zwodzony trzeba uważać na głowę muzeum Marynistyczne barka mieszkalna nad kanałem Rowery parkują w każdym wolnym miejscu można płynać dalej cafe De Sluyswacht w dawnym domku straznika kanału pomnik poety Gerbranda Bredero Bazylika św. Mikołaja Oudezijds Kolk kamienice i kościoły apsyda Bazyliki św. Mikołaja most Bushuissluis, w głębi po prawej Waag kamieniczki nad kanałem most nad kanałem, w głębi wieża Westerkerk most zwodzony szczyt kamienicy malownicza wieża Westerkerk fasada XVII w. kamienicy barki są zakotwiczone w każdym wolnym miejscu malowniczy zakątek roztańczone kamieniczki zmierzch zachód słońca

Amsterdam is situated on over a hundred islands, connected by over a thousand bridges and separated by a water network of over 150 channels. In order to escape from the crowds of tourists and see the city from a different perspective, I embarked on a water tram cruise along the canals. The unhurried pace allowed to enjoy the charm of coastal houses, lush greenery and the charms of life by the canals. Unfortunately, but I made a mistake and chose the covered boat, which limited visibility a lot.

Museum of wax figures

w oczekiwaniu na resztę ciała mistrz Jan Vermeer Albert Einstein Salvador Dali Włodzimierz Lenin Charlie Chaplin Mahatma Gandhi i Dalajlama Pablo Picasso Benny Hill Luciano Pavarotti Sean Connery John Kennedy Elvis Presley Anthony Hopkins Bob Marley Madonna Michaił Gorbaczow Freddie Mercury Bill Clinton Jan Paweł II Harrison Ford Nicolas Cage Edi Marfi Pierce Brosnan Tina Turner

The Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in Amsterdam is a branch of the famous London museum, but it does not differ significantly from the original. The number of figures is impressive and their execution is perfect. In addition, a large part of them is arranged in such a way that, standing or sitting next to them, create an interesting composition together. We appreciated it together with a Romanian tourist we met at the museum, taking each other a series of fantastic photos with wax figures of the world's great.

Muzeum Sexu

Tablica informacyjna Pamiątkowa fotka Eksponaty z czasów antycznych Eksponaty z czasów wiktoriańskich Robi wrażenie ! Pasy cnoty Hinduska rzeźba w drewnie Zestaw podróżny Trudny wybór Szczęśliwa dziesiątka Niespodzianka Torty urodzinowe Ekshibicjonista Marilyn Monroe w kultowej scenie z filmu Słomiany wdowiec Chyba lepiej już stąd pójdę

The Sex Museum in Amsterdam is the first and oldest institution of this type in the world, operating since 1985. The museum contains approximately 15,000 exhibits related to erotic behavior of people in all historical periods. Today, similar objects no longer make such an impression, but I remember that 20 years ago, sightseeing aroused strong emotions in me. Many of the presented erotic exhibits are very interesting, others are funny, some are embarrassing, but they are all definitely worth seeing.

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