Photos of sightseeing enthusiasts


Hiszpania - trasa wycieczki


The Battle of Fuengirola is a little-known episode from the Napoleonic Wars. The clash took place in October 1810 between the Polish garrison of the fortress in Fuengirola (located approx. 35 km from Malaga) and the combined Spanish-British forces under the command of Lord Blayney. The immediate cause of the British landing in this area was the strategic situation on the Iberian Peninsula. The English decided to invade the Costa del Sol area to relieve the forces fighting in other areas of the fighting and conquer Málaga. In the battle fought near the fortress, less than 200 Polish soldiers from the 4th Infantry Regiment under the command of Captain Młokosiewicz defeated the invasion force of 3,000 soldiers. The clash ended with the humiliating retreat of British troops on the ships, and the defense of Fuengirola Castle was one of the few moments in history, in which Polish soldiers fought against the armed forces of Great Britain. After the battle, Młokosiewicz, Bronisz and Chełmicki were decorated with the Crosses of the Legion of Honor, and the Polish soldiers received glory due to the proportion of the forces fighting against each other. Lord Blayney's saber, as a war trophy, went to the Czartoryski Museum in Krakow, where it remains to this day.

Bitwa pod Fuengirolą


Not everyone knows that many famous Spaniards were born in Malaga. One of them was Pablo Picasso, who was born on October 25, 1881. A painter, sculptor, graphic artist and ceramist, he is considered one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. In 1948, Picasso came to Poland to take part in the World Congress of Intellectuals in Defense of Peace in Wrocław, he also visited Warsaw, where he donated his collection of ceramics, drawings and colorful prints to the National Museum. Today, artist's works such as "Boy with a Pipe" and "Dora Maar au Chat" have auctioned prices of over $ 100 million. The second famous person who was born in this city was Antonio Banderas. The popular actor, director, film producer, model and singer was born on August 10, 1960 as the son of a teacher and policeman. Initially, he wanted to become a professional footballer, but his dreams ended when he broke his leg at the age of 14. And that's good, because thanks to this we can admire him in such films as "Evita", "Maska Zorro", "The Thirteenth Warrior" or "Desperado".

Pablo Picasso, autoprtret


In Gibraltar, on July 4, 1943, an air accident took place in which the Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Armed Forces, General Władysław Sikorski, died. The B-24 Liberator aircraft, which the General used to return from several weeks of inspection of Polish forces in the Middle East, hit the sea surface shortly after taking off from the Gibraltar airport. Sikorski's body, fished the same day from the waters of the Gulf of Catalonia, was transported to Great Britain on board the Polish destroyer ORP "Orkan" and buried in the Polish airmen's cemetery in Newark. The official version of the events, presented in the report of the British commission investigating the accident back in 1943, established the blockage of the elevator as the cause of the catastrophe, but it could not explain how the accident happened. Sikorski's death meant a total weakening of Poland's position in the camp of the allies, in the face of the openly advanced territorial claims of the USSR and Stalin's policy consistently aimed at international isolation of our country. It was crowned with the decisions of the Tehran conference on the future of Europe, including the future borders of Poland.

Generał Sikorski wizytujący Gibraltar 4 lipca 1943

Spain - Andalusia, United Kingdom - Gibraltar

May 2017

Skała Gibraltaru

This year we decided to go crazy and went to sunny Spain. Contrary to appearances, the price was very affordable, because we managed to get a good promotion. All the conditions for relaxation suited us perfectly, and the only inconvenience was the flight from Warsaw.

We stayed in a typical multi-story hotel on the outskirts of Málaga which turned out to be an added bonus. As usual, we devoted part of the holiday to sightseeing. In our situation, the best solution was to rent a car for a few days, thanks to which we could plan our trips more flexibly. As is usual with us, we didn't manage to see everything, but Andalusia is a region so diverse and rich in monuments of architecture and art that visiting all attractions must be spread over several trips.



Julek is resting

hotel w Guadalamar widok z naszego balkonu w basenie deptak nadmorskie wille kwitnące kaktusy karpobrot jadalny Miejscowy wędkarz na plaży beztroska zabawa nad morzem beztroska zabawa nad morzem Nasz hotel był nas samą plażą beztroska zabawa molo w Marbelli Restauracje przy nadmorskiej promenadzie owoce morza wieża Eiffla sardynki po andaluzyjsku marina plaża

The small town of Guadalamar , where we spent our holidays, was a great starting point for nearby attractions, we were close to everything. The hotel itself, located right next to a wide, sandy beach, had everything you need for the happiness of the seven-year-old and his parents. Julek liked to go crazy in the swimming pool with his stingray the most, and his newly met friend became an inseparable playmate.


w porcie terminal promowy Czapki z głów ! promenada Trzeba coś przekąsić przed zwiedzaniem rzymski amfiteatr brama skarbca alcazaba, arabska twierdza z XI w. Spacer wzdłuż murów widok na miasto brama Chrystusa tarcza herbowa chwila wytchnienia wieża Maldonado potrójny łuk w pałacu Taifa sklepienie sali pałacowej portal arabski kapitel patio Drzewek Pomarańczowych portal patio sadzawkowe ażurowe okna mury obronne od strony południowej Zrekonstruowana brama Puerta de Los Arcos obserwator starówka obserwator czas coś przekąsić balkony bar tapas El Piyayo pamiątki dla turystów dzwonnica klasztoru św. Augustyna uliczka św. Marii portal kościoła Tabernakulum sklepiki i kawiarenki chcę takiego lizaka katedra w maladze widok na katedrę z placu Obizpo detal architektoniczny pałac episkopalny elewacja transeptu katedry ochrona przed słońcem Azulejos w służbie reklamy Czas na lody

Although we lived a stone's throw from Malaga, as is usually the case in such situations, we only visited it once. It's a pity, because the city has a beautiful old town with an impressive cathedral, which, unfortunately, we were unable to visit due to our gazing. Fortunately, we managed to see the local Alcazaba with the palace of the emirs from the 8th-11th centuries and the picturesque ruins of the Roman amphitheater located at the foot of the fortress.


brama Granatów alcazaba wieża Hołdu panorama miasta z Torre del Cubo alcazaba w całej okazałości widok z Torre de la Vela brama Winna pałac Karola I detal fasady patio pałacu kościół Santa Maria de la Alhambra kolumna upamiętniająca męczeńską śmierć dwóch franciszkanów biforium w Bramie Prawa patio Machuca mexuar strop kasetonowy azulejos kapitel łuki i kolumny patio Mexuar biforium cedrowe sklepienie teksty z koranu dekoracje stiukowe patio de arrayanes pamiątkowa fotka stiuki i azulejos kominek sklepienie stalaktytowe portal zwiedzający impresja dekoracje geometryczne patio de los Leones fontanna z lwami sala Muqarnas dekoracje geometryczne dziedziniec lwów w całej okazałości arkada sala de los Abencerrajes stalaktytowa kopuła krużganki Dziedzińca Lwów portyk z potrójnym łukiem sala de los reyes ozdoby stiukowe kruzganki ozdoby stiukowe sala Dwóch Sióstr sklepienie w kształcie plastra miodu pamiątkowa fotka pałac partal oratorium blanki dolne ogrody Generalife patio de la Acequia pnącze patio Sułtana oleandrowa pergola kościół Santa Ana w stylu mudejar dzielnica Albaicin sjesta Carrera del Darro malowniczy zaułek okno Królewska Kancelaria lokalne specjały el aguador balkony gotycko-renesansowa katedra barokowa fasada wnętrze katedry kopuła latarnia Pałac Madraza gotycka Kaplica Królewska zakrystia, na ścianie obraz Pradilla Kapitulacja Grenady pozłacana krata z kutego żelaza grób Królów Katolickich, Ferdynanda V i Izabeli I ołtarz z wizerunkami hiszpańskich władców

The visit to the Alhambra was the highlight of our itinerary. Unfortunately, things did not go our way as there were no admission tickets. Fortunately, a family of Indian tourists gave us one ticket, and I was winged by this fact and I went sightseeing as quickly as possible. I was enchanted by the residence of the Arab rulers of Granada, and I remembered the particularly stunning stucco covering the walls and vaults of the Nasrid Palace.


w drodze górskie klimaty kościół Socorro de Ronda fontanna Herkulesa Detal architektoniczny niedobra świnka stara Ronda most Puente Nuevo Panorama okolicy Nie ma się czego bać wąwóz rozdzielający starą i nową Rondę na takich stołeczkach to nawet ja nie posiedzę turyści Najpierw pójdziemy tutaj dachy Latarnia pałac del Marques de Salvatierra wizerunki południowo-amerykańskich indian na fasadzie widok na nową Rondę most Puente Viejo Żadnych fotek łuk Filipa V ulica Królewska kościół Padre Jesus pustelnia San Miguel Łaźnie arabskie stroma uliczka Marqués de Salvatierra ozdoby fajansowe malowniczy zaułek minaret San Sebastian kratownica panorama miasta ratusz Kościól Santa María la Mayor w dawnym meczecie Chwila wytchnienia białe domy Wnęka w fasadzie z wizerunkiem Matki Boskiej balkon osiołki lokalna ceramika malowniczy zaułek wachlarze arena korridy torreadorzy z tatą nawet byk mi nie straszny plac ćwiczeń Drewniane osłony strefy dla widzów No to zaczynamy młody byczek Arena z pozycji byka i torreadora Loża honorowa Arena z pozycji widzów

Ronda is one of the most picturesquely situated cities in all of Spain. It occupies a massive rock, cut by a precipitous limestone fissure up to 100 m deep, and the views in the vicinity of the Puente Nuevo bridge are breathtaking. A walk along cobblestone streets, surrounded by dazzling white houses, completed the fairy-tale atmosphere of this charming place.



Skała Gibraltarsk Beztroska zabawa pamiątkowa fotka mare nostrum deptak dragon blood tree La Linea de la Concepcion przejście graniczne Płyta lotniska meczet pomarzyć zawsze można latarnia morska Test równowagi Działo dalekiego zasięgu pomnik generała Władysława Sikorskiego lista poległych w katastrofie bateria Hardinga plac zabaw Próba podejścia przed wspinaczką na Skałę brytyjska flaga bastion Północny Wielka Brama Kazamatowa Katedra Najświętszej Maryi Panny Królowej pomnik królewskich inżynierów siedziba gubernatora Gibraltaru cmentarz Trafalgarski nagrobek south bastion chyba nie wystrzeli dolna stacja kolejki linowej coraz wyżej zbliżamy się do celu górna stacja kolejki linowej Ale mgła, Afryki raczej nie zobaczymy który kolor wybrać żartowniś nawet zapalić nie można dwa hamburgery na wynos poproszę coca cola to jest to boss stali mieszkańcy higiena jest najważniejsza akrobata małpia droga Pomocna dłoń zdrowa żywność Te małpki wolą łakocie Już nie ma się czego bać

Every Pole associates Gibraltar with the tragic plane crash and the death of Władysław Sikorski. But the famous rock of Gibraltar attracts tourists mainly due to the duty free zone, unique atmosphere and...magots. These semi-wild macaque monkeys have their base at the top cable car station, and Julek was so infatuated with them that it was very difficult to convince him to return to the city.

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