Photos of sightseeing enthusiasts


Egipt - trasa wycieczki


Archaeologist, Egyptologist and art historian Kazimierz Michałowski (1901-1981) was the founder of the Polish school of Mediterranean archeology and a precursor of nubiology. The Polish school of archeology he created, combining excavations and research with conservation works, is currently accepted as a model school. Even before the war, in the years 1937-1939, he participated in the Polish-French excavations in Edfu in Upper Egypt (discovery of the blind gate of the mastaba from the VI dynasty, approx. 2345-2181 BC). However, the most spectacular discoveries of prof. Michałowski includes excavations from the 1960s in the Deir el Bahari valley (ruins of the mortuary temple of Tuthmosis III from the 18th Dynasty, 1504-1450 BC), Alexandria (Roman theater from the 4th century AD) ) Tell Atrib in the Nile delta (ruins of thermae from the Roman era) and Abu Simbel (participation in the action of protecting the rock temples of Ramesses II). Professor Michałowski's contribution to the culture of Egypt was fully appreciated by the government of that country, which was reflected in the unveiling of his bust in 2007 in front of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Popiersie prof. Kazimierza Michałowskiego w muzeum w Kairze


A lot of films have already been made, the action of which is more or less related to Egypt. From the Egyptian Sinuhe, the Land of the Pharaohs, Cleopatra, the Scorpio King and various versions of the Mummy, ending with Pharaoh and Last Minute. However, the most memorable movie was Woody Allen's romantic comedy. A purple rose from Cairo. The action of the film takes place in the 1930s in New Jersey, and its main character is a young waitress (Mia Farrow) looking for an escape from marriage problems and gray life. The woman often visits the local cinema, and during one of the screenings the protagonist of the film with the same title leaves the screen and professes her love.

Plakat z filmu Purpurowa róża z Kairu

Egypt - cruise on the Nile

April 2005

Egipt - rejs Nilem

A trip to Egypt is one of those types of destinations where everyone is said to go there. In fact, after seeing the pyramids, the Sphinx or the Valley of the Kings, many people get bitten by the traveling and sightseeing bug. The creations of Egyptian civilization have become so legendary that few can resist its magic.

Browsing through the offers of various organizers, we decided to take a cruise on the Nile. This way of sightseeing seemed very natural and at the same time...romantic. After all, for centuries the Nile was the most important communication artery of ancient Egypt. Apart from the shortcomings of the group tour, the choice turned out to be very accurate. The ship, despite having its best years behind it, was very comfortable and provided the necessary amenities for the journey. The only thing we regretted afterwards was that we did not choose the optional trip to Abu Simbel.

Cairo and Giza

kair fotki - Cytadela meczet Muhammada Alego Pamiątkowa fotka kair foto - panorama Kairu z murów cytadeli zdjęcia kair - ozdobna brama wejściowa do kościoła Zawieszonego fotki kair - zdjęcia giza - kościół wiszący w Kairze koptyjskim foto giza - punkt widokowy na płaskowyżu Giza Widok na piramidy Chefrena i Cheopsa Wielka Piramida zdjęcia z gizy - Sfinks i piramida Chefrena Pamiątkowa fotka zdjęcia giza - Sfinks i Wielka Piramida foto z gizy - przed piramidą Chefrena fotki giza - tajemniczy Sfinks Pocałunek

The Pyramids and the Sphinx did not manage to make an electrifying impression on us, because it seems that everything has conspired to prevent it from happening. Bad weather, crowds of tourists and the biggest bane of organized trips, i.e....hurry. The time we were given to visit the Giza plateau was not even enough to see all the attractions, not to mention taking photos. However, then we spent over an hour in a perfumery smelling the specifics that we did not want to buy.


luksor fotki - w drodze luksor zdjęcia - Kolosy Memnona luksor foto - olbrzymi posąg Amenhotepa III zdjęcia luksor - widok na Dolinę Królów Pamiątkowa fotka zdjęcia z luksoru - malowidła we wnętrzu grobowca Ramzesa III Świątynia Hatszepsut w całej okazałości Pamiątkowa fotka luksor foto - filar ozyriacki Hatszepsut Filary ozyriackie Przed wejściem do kompleksu świątynnego foto luksor - aleja sfinksów przed świątynią Amona w Karnaku Pamiątkowa fotka foto z luksoru - posąg Ramzesa II ze stojącą na jego stopach królową luksor fotki - fragment obelisku z widocznymi hieroglifami luksor foto - ponad 30 metrowe kolumny zdają się sięgać nieba zdjęcia luksor - potężne kolumny przytłaczają swoją wielkością fotki luksor - trzony kolumn ozdobione są reliefami Pamiątkowa fotka świątynia Luksorska ukończona przez Ramzesa II meczet Abu al-Haggag zbudowany na ruinach świątyni strażnicyo

Luxor simply stuns every tourist with its impressive Karnak temple complex, the Temple of the Birth and a large number of ancient statues, crypts and other ruins located, among others, in the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens on the west bank of the Nile. We were most impressed by the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Amun in Karnak, supported by 134 columns, the highest of which are 23 m high.

Edfu and Kom Ombo

egipt edfu fotki - pylony świątyni Horusa Pamiątkowa fotka fotki egipt edfu - relief przedstawiający Horusa trzymającego kobrę egipt edfu foto - relief przedstawiający Ptolemeusza XII zdjęcia z egiptu edfu - dziedziniec ofiarny świątyni Horusa Pamiątkowa fotka fotki z egiptu edfu - statua boga Horusa z głową sokoła Statki wycieczkowe na Nilu zdjęcia egipt kom ombo - trzeba to wszystko nakręcić Samotna feluka egipt kom ombo foto - handlować można wszędzie Kom Ombo, podwójna świątynia poświęcona Horusowi i Sobkowi foto z egiptu kom ombo - bogato zdobione kapitele kolumn egipt kom ombo fotki - zachód słońca nad Nilem

The Temple of Horus in Edfu is one of the best-preserved Egyptian religious buildings of the Ptolemaic period. The most impressive are the huge reliefs on the walls of the pylons depicting Ptolemy XII killing Egypt's enemies in the presence of Horus and Hathor. On the other hand, the temple in Kom Ombo is eagerly visited by tourists due to the presence of two naosy, i.e. rooms for the deity.

Nubian village

Asuan, dzieciaki zawsze chetnie pozują wioska nubijska zdjęcia - Nil w pobliżu Asuanu wioska nubijska foto - w oczekiwaniu na turystów fotki wioska nubijska - czas ruszać foto wioska nubijska - w drodze do wioski nubijskiej Czuję się jak prawdziwy beduin zdjęcia z wioski nubijskiej - chwila wytchnienia Łatwy dostęp do wody foto z wioski nubijskiej - to prawdziwy krokodyl wioska nubijska fotki - nubijka

During our stay in Aswan we visited a nubian village. In ancient times, the Nubians conquered Egypt several times in different periods of the country's history. Currently, as an ethnic group, they inhabit the areas of southern Egypt and northern Sudan. During the trip, we saw several Nubian houses and a lot of stalls with souvenirs for tourists. The biggest attraction was a camel ride along the Nile.

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