Photos of sightseeing enthusiasts


ZEA - trasa wycieczki


The United Arab Emirates was the backdrop for several American blockbuster films. An unforgettable car ride through the three Etidah Towers in Abu Dhabi in Fast and Furious 7, Dubai as the backdrop for the futuristic base in Star Trek: Into the Unknown or the Abu Dhabi Desert in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The most spectacular, however, is the fourth installment of Mission Imposaible, Ghost Protocol, starring Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt's secret agent. At the very beginning of the film, the creators define the climates in which they will narrate. Although the tension builds up slowly, when the action unfolds, we watch the events unfold with bated breath. The scene where the main character climbs and falls down the outer walls of Burj Khalifa is especially memorable. When i found out that Tom Cruise did it himself without the help of the stuntmen, I just couldn't believe it. Equally spectacular is the scene of the chase through the streets of Dubai, during which Hunt not only chases the villain, but also runs away through a sandstorm,

okladka filmu na dvd Ghost protocol


Hundreds of thousands of workers working on the construction of world-stunning buildings risk their lives every day in harsh conditions and deadly heat. Transported to work like cattle, living in camps resembling a heavy prison. They lose their health, and often their lives, by placing them on the altar of pride that fills the rulers with the metropolis they are building. Officially, only a few die on construction sites. Official figures are given rarely and only when it cannot be hidden, but embassies count every deceased citizen. And every year thousands of them die here. Suicides, diseases, strokes, heart attacks, poisoning. The stories of Dubai's builders are told by a Polish engineer who worked for many years for the largest developers in the UAE. You can read about these and many other controversial topics in Marcin Margielewski's books "Dubai is built with blood", Dubai Models and Arabian Servants' Nightmare. The author worked as a journalist and traveled for several years, living, among others, in Dubai, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia (podroze.onet.pl).

Robotnicy z Azji południowej pracujący przy budowie Burj Khalifa

UAE - Dubai, Abu Dhabi

Februari 2020

Abu Zabi, Wielki Meczet Szejka Zajida

The trip to the UAE is the first vacation spent by Julek without his dad. Marta took the opportunity when her friends 'friends living and working in Dubai invited them for a few days' stay. In such a situation, there was nothing else but to hit the road.

The three of them lived on the outskirts of Dubai, and the host turned out to be so kind that he drove them to the center of the metropolis on his way to work every day. He also offered good advice, thanks to which visiting attractions such as Burj Khalifa turned out to be much easier and, most importantly, much cheaper. Julek endured the hardships of sightseeing with great perseverance, especially if at the end of the trip there was a cup of ice cream waiting for him. Fortunately, there were plenty of attractions for children here, and places such as Ain Dubai or the Dolphinarium make an impression on every kid.


Julek is resting

Gdzie są te muszelki Marina Beach, w głębi Palma Jumeirah Trzeba się trochę ochłodzić nuuudy Pójdę coś przekąsić Marina Beach, w głębi Ain Dubai Trochę to mniejsze niż Burj Khalifa budowlanka to nie zajęcie dla mnie pozowanie wychodzi mi znacznie lepiej Zasłużony odpoczynek, w głębi wieżowce Mariny Public Beach, w głębi Burj Arab Jest okay Półdzikie dromadery Dromader w całej okazałości Pamiątkowa fotka Chyba mnie polubił Wielbłąda portret własny chyba go zabiorę do Polski Morze piasku A temu o co chodzi Lepiej sie oddalę nareszcie jestem bezpieczny

There are plenty of activities for kids to do in Dubai, but nothing beats the seaside outdoors. There are several public beaches with unlimited access at the disposal of tourists, where you can safely spend time while admiring the beautiful views. One of them is Marina Beach. Unfortunately, there was no boy of Julek's age with whom he could play, so the son had to organize activities on the beach himself.


Windą do nieba Widok w kierunku płd-zach. w głębi Burj Al Arab Widok w kierunku zach. na horyzoncie archipelag The World tutaj mógłbym jadać codziennie Widok w kierunku płn. w głębi meczet Jumeirach Imponujące drapacze chmur Burdż Chalifa w całej okazałości Poszukiwanie monet Pamiątkowa fotka Jak oni to zbudowali ? tajemnica konstrukcji Kto mi dał skrzydła, kto mię odział pióry Burdż Chalifa, widok znad Dubai Canal impresja Kolorowe lampiony Dubai Mall, kaskada wodna Srebrne postacie nurków Ostatnie spojrzenie Tańcząca fontanna Dubai Mall, Akwarium Dubai Mall, Akwarium Dubai Mall, Akwarium Dubai Mall, Akwarium Dubai Mall, Akwarium Dubaju Dubai Mall, Akwarium Dubaju Dubai Mall, Akwarium Dubaju Dubai Mall, Akwarium Dubaju Dubai Mall, Akwarium Dubaju The Frame w całej okazałości Pamiątkowa fotka Szklany pomost na szczycie The Frame Konstrukcja wygląda na solidną Pamiątkowa fotka Chyba nie spadnę ? Czas na Canal Cruise Ciekawe ile dzisiaj kosztuje baryłka ropy naftowej impresja Piękny widok Tam byliśmy Global Village Global Village Global Village Nie mam ochoty na jazdę na nartach Galeria Handlowa Mall of the Emirates Burdż Al Arab, widok z Mall of the Emirates Scenka uliczna arab hotel Burdż Al Arab Pamiątkowa fotka Dubai Marina Dubai Marina Dubai Marina Dubai Marina W drodze Przejażdzka na Ain Dubai marina To nie takie trudne Palm Jumeirah Cruise Nie placz kiedy odjadę Jedna z rezydencji na Palma Dżumejra Palma Dżumejra, hotel Atlantis Rezydencja na Palma Dżumejra Dolphin Bay, pokaz tresury delfinów Dolphin Bay, pokaz tresury delfinów Dolphin Bay, pokaz tresury delfinów Dolphin Bay, pokaz tresury delfinów Dolphin Bay, pokaz tresury delfinów Dolphin Bay, pokaz tresury delfinów Dolphin Bay, pokaz tresury delfinów Dolphin Bay, pokaz tresury delfinów Dolphin Bay, pokaz tresury delfinów Dolphin Bay, pokaz tresury delfinów Akwarium Zagubionych Komnat Akwarium Zagubionych Komnat Akwarium Zagubionych Komnat Akwarium Zagubionych Komnat Metro Metro Stary Dubaj, meczet Al Farooq Fort Al Fahidi Teraz nikt ze mną nie zadrze Chyba nikogo tam nie zamknęli ? Tradycyjna łódź arabska Al fahidi, starówka detal architektoniczny Al fahidi, wieża wiatrowa Kamienna balustrada Chwila wytchnienia Al Fahidi, starówka Co to za szajs ? Pamiątki dla turystów Deira Old Souq, tradycyjna galabija Deira Old Souq, pamiątkowa fotka Deira Old Souq, tradycyjne talerze Deira Old Souq, zestaw herbaciany Deira Old Souq, nareszcie coś konkretnego Deira Old Souq, przyprawy Deira Gold Souq, Star of Taiba Deira Gold Souq, błyskotki Deira Gold Souq, błyskotki

Julek was delighted to be in the UAE. Probably because he loves modern architecture, and there is no shortage of this in Dubai. No wonder that Burj Khalifa, Burj al-Arab, The Frame or Marina's skyscrapers made such an impression on him. However, what he liked the most was the Dubai Aquarium, which is one of the largest in the world. The possibility of seeing sharks, rays and dozens of other species of fish up close is not very common.

Abu Dhabi

Wielki Meczet Pamiątkowa fotka Minaret o wysokości 107 m Wielki Meczet w całej okazałości podkowiasty łuk w stylu mauretańskim Kolumny inkrustowane masą perłową Portal ozdobiony marmurowymi płytami o motywach roślinnych Dach ozdabiają 82 kopuły Chwila wytchnienia Wnętrze meczetu Żyrandol wykonany z krayształów Swarovskiego Rozmowa pozłacane kapitele Kolumna wyłożona marmurem i inkrustowana masą perłową Czas wracać do domu impresja

The trip to Abu Dhabi was dominated by a visit to the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, built at the turn of the last century. Arabs like to brag about various records, but here, in fact, everything is impressive. The largest in the world, a dome with a height of 85 m and a diameter of 32.8 m, a carpet in the prayer room weighing 35 tons and an area of ​​ 5 627 m2 and the third largest gold-plated chandelier in the world, 15 m high and 10 m in diameter.

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