Photos of sightseeing enthusiasts


Czechy - trasa wycieczki


At the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries, Wenceslaus II, the king of Bohemia from the Přemyslid dynasty, became the ruler of Poland. Taking advantage of the district breakdown, Wenceslaus II interfered in Polish affairs in connection with the childless death of Leszek the Black, the prince of Krakow. The Czech ruler quickly conquered the principalities of Kraków and Sandomierz, as well as Greater Poland and Gdańsk Pomerania. An effectively conducted policy enabled him to be crowned King of Poland in 1300, which took place in the Gniezno cathedral. Wenceslaus II based his rule on the office of the starost, which significantly improved the administration, and throughout the country there was a significant improvement in security and an increase in the income of the treasury. On the other hand, his personal policy, consisting in basing the government on German newcomers, aroused aversion to the new ruler. The opposition led by Władysław Łokietek grew in strength in the country. The fighting was interrupted by the death of the king, who died of tuberculosis. He was succeeded by his son Wacław III, who, however, was murdered the following year in preparation for an armed expedition to Poland. Kraków was in the hands of Władysław Łokietek, the prince of Kuyavia, which initiated the process of unifying our lands.

Wacław II, król Czech i Polski


Under the rule of the Jagiellonians, Poland grew into a European power, while the Czech state struggled with internal problems due to the activities of the Hussites and the Catholic reaction. King Władysław II Jagiellończyk was appointed heir to the throne by the Czech King, Jerzy of Podiebrady, in exchange for the help of the Poles in his struggle with the Hungarian king and contender to the Czech crown, Maciej Corvinus. The battles with Hungary were fought with varying luck, and after Korwin's death, Władysław also became the king of Hungary. The Polish ruler, however, was not held in high esteem by his subjects due to his weakness of character and indolence. Władysław II died in 1516 and his son Ludwik II Jagiellończyk became the king of Bohemia and Hungary. Since he was underage, regents ruled on his behalf. Unlike his father, Ludwik had more energy and intelligence, but the regents deliberately neglected his upbringing. The young king died in unclear circumstances in the battle with the Turks at Mochacz in 1526. As a result of the defeat, the Kingdom of Hungary lost its sovereignty, and the Jagiellonians lost their influence in Central Europe.

król Czech i Węgier, Ludwik II Jagiellończyk

Czech Republik - middle

May 2003

Panorama Pragi

We decided to spend the first common picnic at our southern neighbors. We went to the Czech Republic with our own means of transport, which passed the exam with a high five, ensuring quick and comfortable access to distant places.

The few free days that we had at our disposal significantly limited the scope of our sightseeing. The first place where we directed our steps was, of course, Prague. However, choosing the others was already a lottery, as there are many attractive places worth visiting in the Czech Republic. We decided to visit Konopiště castle and the picturesque town of Kutna Hora, which owes its fame a bit to the macabre Chapel of Skulls.


Panorama miasta z Hradczan zmiana warty Złota Uliczka katedra św. Wita wieża południowa portal nad wejściem zachodnim rzygacze św. Jerzy zabijający smoka widok na prezbiterium witraż czyny miłosierdzia zachodnia fasada bazyliki św. Jerzego wieże zachodnie Panorama miasta z wieży katedralnej przypory i pinakle widok z wieży katedralnej panorama miasta z wieży katedralnej plac Hradczański Pierwszy dziedziniec i Brama Mateusza dziedziniec Nowego pałacu królewskiego zamkowe schody i ulica Thunovska kościół św. Mikołaja czas na zimne piwko kolumna św. Trójcy most Karola pamiątkowa fotka widok na Most Karola i Wyszehrad Kamienica na starówce Późnogotycki dom `U Minuty` relief zegar astronomiczny Orloj zegar astronomiczny Orloj wieża Ratusza Staromiejskiego pomnik Jana Husa na Rynku Starego Miasta kościół Marii Panny przed Tynem Kamieniczka na Rynku Starego Miasta synagoga Klausova

Prague is considered to be one of the most attractive cities in Europe and there is not much exaggeration in that. As a native Krakow, I am in love with my hometown, but I must admit that the capital of the Czech Republic simply charmed me. Old Town Square, Charles Bridge, Josefov, Lesser Town or Hradčany are just some of the many attractive places you would like to come back to. No wonder that the historic center of Prague is included in the Unesco World Heritage List.


wzgórze wyszehradzkie panorama Nowego Miasta kościół św. Piotra i Pawła relief przedstawiający Sąd Ostateczny rotunda św. Marcina panteon dla najbardziej zasłużonych Czechów

Vysehrad is a hill on the right bank of the Vltava River, in today's Praga district. For the Czechs, it is a mythical place, because according to legend, it was supposed to be the seat of the legendary ruler Krok, one of the founders of Czech statehood. Today, there is nothing left of the former castle, but the picturesque and green place is perfect for relaxing after visiting Prague, full of hustle and bustle.

Konopiště Castle

rezydencja cesarska Konopiszte dziedziniec studnia Trofea łowieckie arcyksięcia trofea łowieckie arcyksięcia Ten orzeł jest na szczęście żywy

The Konopiště castle picturesquely located on the lake was built in the 13th century. During its history it belonged to various families, but its most famous owner was Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, murdered in Sarajevo in 1914. The palace rooms are impressive due to the wealth of furnishings, however We were most impressed by the collection of several thousand hunting trophies of animals personally hunted by archduke Ferdinand.

Kutna Hora

uliczka Barborska Kościół św. Barbary z XIV w. Neogotycka fasada przypory i sterczyny prezbiterium sklepienie sieciowe ambona panorama miasta plac Palackeho kościół św. Jakuba gotycka kamienna fontanna wejście do szybu kaplica Czaszek zejście do kaplicy herb rodowy książąt Schwarzenbergów upiorne ozdoby piramida z czaszek memento mori zwiedzający żyrandol Wnętrze ossarium upiorne piękno

Kutna Hora is an old mining town with impressive Gothic monuments that has been declared a Unesco World Heritage Site. However, the ossarium in the suburb of Sedlec beats all these attractions. The All Saints cemetery church has the remains of over 50,000 victims of the plague, Hussite wars and the Thirty Years' War. The impression is amazing as the entire interior of the Skull Chapel is made of the bones and skulls of the dead.

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